Russia to Supply Electricity to Kazakhstan’s Cryptocurrency Miners

Russia is preparing to provide Kazakhstan with additional energy needed to operate crypto mining farms in the Central Asian nation. New arrangements will allow Kazakhstan’s miners to buy electricity directly from the Russian power generation and distribution giant Inter RAO. Miners in Kazakhstan to Source Energy From the Russian Federation Crypto mining enterprises operating in … Read more

Miners Flock to Iran Where Bitcoin Mining Is Set to Be Sanctioned

According to regional reports, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) is planning to allow licensed cryptocurrency mining as long as operations are charged for electricity based on the price of export. The CBI governor, Abdol Nasser Hemmati, explained that mined cryptocurrencies should flow back into the Iranian economy. Also read: Bitcoin Miner Recounts Struggle to … Read more

Bitcoin Miner Recounts Struggle to Obtain Cheap Iranian Power

Over the last six months, reports of Chinese miners crossing the border to obtain cheap electricity from regions like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Iran have abounded. According to a recent interview, Chinese miners have found extremely affordable electric prices ($0.006 per kilowatt-hour) in the oil-rich nation of Iran. However, managing to get thousands of machines … Read more

Broken Phone? Don’t Sweat It — Restore a Bitcoin Wallet in Minutes

With bitcoin ownership, it’s very important to back up your mnemonic seed phrase in order to restore your funds in case of an emergency. For instance, a device holding a wallet can be broken, get lost or stolen and the backup is the only way to retrieve the funds after these mishaps. The following is … Read more

Caribbean Nations Introduce Crypto Payments in the Travel Industry

The Caribbean Tourism Organization is going to introduce cryptocurrency payments for tourism services and products offered in the region. In partnership with a local company, CTO wants to implement crypto-based merchant applications in the travel industry and other related sectors. Another goal is to further integrate the region’s economies through more cryptocurrency transactions. Also read: … Read more