Daily Raids on Crypto Farms as Abkhazia Intensifies Mining Crackdown

Authorities in Abkhazia are stepping up efforts to clamp down on cryptocurrency mining amid electricity shortages in the winter months. The government of the breakaway Georgian region announced it’s also taking measures to prevent imports of mining equipment. Abkhazia Creates Headquarters to Combat Illegal Crypto Mining Operations Police in Abkhazia are conducting daily raids to … Read more

Russia to Supply Electricity to Kazakhstan’s Cryptocurrency Miners

Russia is preparing to provide Kazakhstan with additional energy needed to operate crypto mining farms in the Central Asian nation. New arrangements will allow Kazakhstan’s miners to buy electricity directly from the Russian power generation and distribution giant Inter RAO. Miners in Kazakhstan to Source Energy From the Russian Federation Crypto mining enterprises operating in … Read more

Mining Ban Sparks Negative Reactions From Iran’s Crypto Community

The recently reintroduced seasonal ban on cryptocurrency mining has provoked backlash from the local crypto community. This week, the country’s power distribution company ordered miners to suspend activities citing electricity shortages during the hot summer months. Restrictions on Crypto Mining Are Ousting Iran From Global Coin Minting Industry, Critics Say After last year crypto miners … Read more

Iran to Shut Down Crypto Mining Farms Amid Record High Power Demand

Authorities in Iran plan to unplug licensed crypto mining facilities as electricity consumption in the country is reaching record highs. The mining farms will be cut off from the grid on Wednesday, the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Energy announced. Legal Crypto Miners in Iran to Halt Operations Again Due to Electricity Shortages Authorized crypto mining … Read more

Despite Criminalizing Mining, Abkhazia Uncovers Another Crypto Farm

Even after introducing fines and criminal liability for cryptocurrency mining, Abkhazia continues to find underground facilities for digital currency extraction. This week, law enforcement officials have confiscated dozens of mining devices from an illegal crypto farm. Abkhazia Shuts Down Crypto Farm, Seizes Mining Hardware Police in Abkhazia have closed down another crypto mining installation in … Read more

Number of Busted Illegal Crypto Mining Farms in Iran Nears 7,000

Authorities in Iran have shut down close to 7,000 unauthorized facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past two years, local media revealed. According to a report, most of the illegal bitcoin farms were concentrated in five provinces of the Islamic Republic, including Tehran. Iran Continues Crackdown on Unlicensed Cryptocurrency Mining Iranian officials have unplugged and … Read more

Kazakhstan to Increase Tax for Miners, Considers Tying Levy to Crypto Prices

The government of Kazakhstan is preparing to increase the tax burden for cryptocurrency miners and intends to tie the new rate to the value of the minted cryptocurrency. The authorities in Nur-Sultan believe that such an approach would have a positive effect on the state budget. Miners in Kazakhstan to Pay Tax on the Value … Read more

Abkhazia Extends Crypto Mining Ban Till End of Year

Authorities in Abkhazia have decided to maintain a ban on cryptocurrency mining in the territory. The partially recognized republic in the South Caucasus is restricting the energy-intensive extraction of digital currencies, citing problems with power supply. Bitcoin Mining Remains Prohibited in Abkhazia The government of Abkhazia, a breakaway republic in Georgia, has prolonged current restrictions … Read more

Kazakhstan Police Shut Down Another Crypto Farm Amid Ongoing Crackdown on Mining

Law enforcement officers in Kazakhstan have busted another mining facility as they continue to crack down on illegal activities in the sector. The crypto farm, located at a railway station, is the latest targeted mining operation in the country which has been struggling with its power deficit. Authorities in Kazakhstan Seize Over 100 Mining Rigs … Read more

Miners Have Moved 30% of Their Equipment Out of Kazakhstan, Industry Organization Claims

Authorized crypto mining businesses have already taken a third of their coin minting hardware out of Kazakhstan, according to the country’s mining association. The news comes amid electricity shortages and upcoming tax hikes that are turning miners away from the Central Asian nation. Bitcoin Miners Start Pulling Machines Out of Kazakhstan Companies, legally operating mining … Read more