Why is there so much uncertainty in the crypto market right now? | Market Talks with Crypto Jebb and Crypto Wendy O

Why is there so much uncertainty in the crypto market right now? Join us as we try to figure it out with Tim Warren, co-host of Coffee N Crypto, and Crypto Wendy O

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Finder’s Bitcoin Prediction Report Expects BTC to Bottom at $13,676 and End the Year at $25,473

Finder's Bitcoin Prediction Report Expects BTC to Bottom at $13,676 and End the Year at $25,473According to the latest crypto prediction report published by the product comparison platform finder.com, 77% of 53 fintech specialists polled in the report say cryptocurrency markets are officially in a “crypto winter.” The poll further explains that only 29% of the report’s participants believe the bear market will end in 2022. While bitcoin is expected […]

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