CBDC Debate Heats Up: BIS Project Sparks Controversy Among Critics; Lynette Zang Warns of Dangers of CBDCs

During the weekend, discussions about central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, trended on social media as many people believe the idea will result in increased financial surveillance and a totalitarian monetary system. In a recent interview, Lynette Zang, the chief market analyst at ITM Trading, warned that CBDCs will “take the world into a full … Read more

US Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Says Bitcoin Provides An ‘Escape Route’ From Financial Turmoil

On Monday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once again cautioned the public to be wary of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and he insisted that the Biden administration has launched a “steady barrage of hostile broadsides against cryptocurrencies.” Kennedy, who recently filed to run for president of the United States in the 2024 election as a … Read more

‘Not Related to a Digital Currency’ — US Central Bank Addresses Concerns Over Fednow Payment Network

The U.S. Central Bank has issued an update regarding the Federal Reserve’s Fednow project, which is scheduled to commence in July. The Fed has responded to recent criticism of the Fednow service and asserts that the Fednow payment network is “neither a form of currency nor a step toward eliminating any form of payment, including … Read more

Robert Kennedy Jr: Government Could Ban, Seize Bitcoin — CBDCs Could Lead to Financial Slavery, Political Tyranny

Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has issued a warning regarding the Federal Reserve’s new Fednow system and the potential risks of central bank digital currencies leading to financial slavery and political tyranny. He additionally warned: “We should not be blind to the obvious danger that this is the first step in banning and seizing … Read more

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Criticizes Fednow Project, Pushes for Return to Gold Standard

On Wednesday, Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG), a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, shared an article about the Federal Reserve’s Fednow project and criticized the central bank’s digital currency efforts. The representative from Georgia insisted that the U.S. should return to the “gold standard” and said she’s taking a “hard pass” on digital … Read more