Canada’s Tiff Macklem Insists ‘Rate Increases Are Warranted,’ Canadian Columnist Says Central Bank’s Governor ‘Needs to Go’

Canada's Tiff Macklem Insists 'Rate Increases Are Warranted,' Canadian Columnist Says Central Bank's Governor 'Needs to Go'Canadians have been dealing with rising inflation and the Bank of Canada raising the benchmark interest rate following more than two years of monetary easing tactics. On Sunday, Canadian central bank governor Tiff Macklem explained that “reasonably good harvests” will contribute to reducing food inflation. The day before Macklem’s statements on CBC Radio, Canadian columnist […]

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UN Report Urges Fed to Suspend Interest Rate Hikes, Presses for ‘Public Spending’ Increases

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has warned that the U.S. Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes and the slew of other central banks raising rates, could pose harm to the global economy. UNCTAD calculated that for every Fed basis point rise, the economic output of wealthy countries declines by 0.5%, and for […]

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China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and UAE Trial Cross-Border Transactions With Digital Currencies

China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and UAE Trial Cross-Border Transactions With Digital CurrenciesThe monetary authorities of four jurisdictions in Asia have carried out tests with international settlements using state-issued digital currencies. Cross-border payments and foreign exchange transactions totaling over $22 million were made as part of the pilot project with the participation of the Bank for International Settlements. Asian Central Banks Pilot Real-Value International Settlements With Digital […]

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ECB President Christine Lagarde Blames Climate Change for Europe’s Torrid Inflation

ECB President Christine Lagarde Blames Climate Change for Europe’s Torrid InflationAccording to the French politician currently serving as the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, Europe’s scorching hot inflation can be blamed on climate change. During her interview with Madame Figaro, Lagarde stressed that people need to take into account that “climate disasters” affect price stability a great deal. ECB Board Member […]

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Bitcoin’s Mathematical Monetary Policy Is Far More Predictable Than Gold and Fiat Currencies

Bitcoin's Mathematical Monetary Policy Is Far More Predictable Than Gold and Fiat CurrenciesThis past April, records show that 19 million bitcoins have been mined into existence and 133 days later, there are 1.88 million bitcoins left to mint today. The network’s block subsidy halving is expected to occur on or around April 20, 2024, as there are less than 91,000 bitcoins left to mine until that point. […]

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Harvard Professor Rogoff: Central Banks, Governments Are ‘Way Behind the Curve’ in Regulating Cryptocurrencies

Harvard Professor Rogoff: Central Banks, Governments Are 'Way Behind the Curve' in Regulating CryptocurrenciesHarvard Professor of Economics and former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kenneth Rogoff says central banks and governments are “way behind the curve” in regulating cryptocurrencies. He added that officials throw out the idea of having central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) “to distract the conversation.” Harvard’s Professor on Cryptocurrency Regulation American economist […]

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BIS Says Crypto Weaknesses Have Materialized Following Market Sell-Off

BIS: Crypto Weaknesses Have Materialized Following Market TurmoilThe Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the global body for central banks, claims the weaknesses in crypto that were pointed out before “have pretty much materialized.” BIS General Manager Agustin Carstens opined: “You just cannot defy gravity … At some point, you really have to face the music.” BIS on Crypto Weaknesses The Bank of […]

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Peter Schiff Warns Economic Downturn in the US ‘Will Be Much Worse Than the Great Recession’

Peter Schiff Warns Economic Downturn in the US 'Will Be Much Worse Than the Great Recession'Following the Federal Reserve’s rate hike on Wednesday, economist Peter Schiff has had a lot to say since the U.S. central bank raised the benchmark rate by half a percentage point. Schiff further believes we are in a recession and says “it will be much worse than the Great Recession that followed the 2008 Financial […]

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Bitcoin Miners Reach the Halfway Point to the Next Block Reward Halving

Bitcoin Miners Reach the Halfway Point to the Next Block Reward HalvingOn May 5, 2022, at block height 735,000, the bitcoin mining pool Poolin mined the 105,000th block reward since the last halving. The mined block also represents the halfway point to the next halving that is estimated to take place on or around April 27, 2024. Block 735,000 follows the network issuing over 19 million […]

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