China’s Absolute Control Over Digital Yuan Will Boost Demand for Cryptocurrencies, Says Analyst

China's Absolute Control Over Digital Yuan Will Boost Demand for Cryptocurrencies, Says AnalystChina’s push for the digital yuan will boost demand for cryptocurrencies, according to an analyst at BK Asset Management, citing that the Chinese government wants “absolute power” over the wealth and income of its citizens. Digital Yuan Push Could Raise Demand for Crypto Boris Schlossberg, managing director of FX Strategy for BK Asset Management, said […]

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Digital Yuan Launch Draws Near: Employees Paid in e-CNY, Tencent, Ant, Mastercard Engage With PBoC

China, the world’s most populous country, has jumped leaps and bounds in comparison to a great number of other countries when it comes to the creation of a central bank digital currency. As each day passes, China’s digital yuan is seemingly getting closer to large-scale adoption, as big-name corporations like the e-commerce giant, Mastercard, […]

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Fed Chair Jerome Powell Says Dogecoin and Gamestop Hype Highlights ‘Froth in Equity Markets’

Fed Chair Jerome Powell Says Dogecoin and Gamestop Hype Highlights 'Froth in Equity Markets'Federal Reserve Chair, Jerome Powell, discussed a number of topics this week such as inflation and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) following the multi-day Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings. The central bank’s lead executive was asked about feverish stocks like Gamestop shares and the crypto asset dogecoin. Powell said that the Federal Reserve aims […]

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Morgan Stanley Says Central Bank Digital Currencies Not a Threat to Cryptocurrencies

Morgan Stanley Says Central Bank Digital Currencies Not a Threat to CryptocurrenciesMajor investment bank Morgan Stanley believes that central bank digital currencies are not a threat to the existence of cryptocurrencies. The bank believes that both types of digital currencies can coexist because they serve different purposes and have different appeals. Cryptocurrencies and CBDCs Can Coexist Morgan Stanley’s analysts, including chief economist Chetan Ahya, discussed the […]

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Bank of England and HM Treasury Launch a Central Bank Digital Currency Taskforce

Bank of England and HM Treasury Launch a Central Bank Digital Currency TaskforceHer Majesty’s Treasury and the Bank of England have revealed the establishment of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) taskforce. According to the announcement, the group’s purpose aims to explore a potential UK CBDC. UK Entities Invoke a CBDC Taskforce to Explore a Central Bank-Issued Digital Currency Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have been popping […]

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