Amazon: King of the Supplements Industry?

Taking vitamins or supplements is becoming increasingly popular, and because of this, the supplement industry is skyrocketing – by 2027, experts project that the market for these vitamins and dietary supplements will reach $231 billion, more than double what it was in 2019. With such a big industry, the danger of fake, misleading, or low quality supplements increases. The problem with these low quality supplements is that they can lead to vitamin overdoses and liver injuries because of improper packaging information. In 2018 alone, nearly 5,500 incidents were reported to Poison Control were related to vitamins, herbal or dietary supplements,

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Your Immunity and Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction

Cases of COVID-19 around the world are going through the roof – because of this, keeping your immune system in tip-top shape has become all the more important. The immune system does many things in order to keep the body healthy and fend of sickness. COVID-19 is especially dangerous due to the fact that it is new. This newness means that no one has been previously exposed, meaning no one is immune, and puts everyone, regardless of overall health, at risk of infection. In most healthy individuals, there is a barrier created by the immune system to keep out foreign

The post Your Immunity and Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction appeared first on The Merkle News.

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