XRP Price Will Seemingly Head Back to $1.25 and Lower

TheMerkle XRP Price 0.267It seems today will prove to be another terrible day for cryptocurrency trading. Especially the holders of Bitcoin and altcoins will not want to look at their portfolios too much. Fans of the XRP price will have noticed the momentum is slowly turning against this digital asset again. After hitting $1.6 over the weekend, the XRP price is now heading back to $1.25 and perhaps lower. The cryptocurrency markets are under a lot of pressure right now, that much is evident. Another bad day for XRP Price Speculators Any cryptocurrency-related gains recorded over the weekend have been all but wiped

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Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Crypto Investments

Bill Introduced to Make South Korean Officials Declare Their Cryptocurrency InvestmentsA bill has been introduced in South Korea to require public officials to declare their investments in cryptocurrencies including bitcoin. This initiative follows the recent controversies within the government regarding cryptocurrency regulations, including insider trading and market manipulation. Also read: South Korea Urges 23 Countries, EU, and IMF to Collaborate on Curbing Crypto Trading Bills for […]

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The Rise and Fall of Ripple is a Case Study in Mass Hysteria

The Rise and Fall of Ripple is a Case Study in Mass HysteriaThrough late 2017 and early 2018, ripple was the darling of cryptocurrency. Mainstream media couldn’t get enough of it, South Koreans couldn’t get enough of it, and nor could crypto newcomers, who had XRP top of their shopping list. Crypto moves at a blistering pace, though, and ripple’s decline has been as rapid as its […]

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XRP Price Refuses to Drop $1 for the Time Being

In the world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets, adversity is nothing new whatsoever. Every year, we see the cryptocurrency market go through a very bearish period before it rebounds slowly. In the face of this current adversity, many people expected the XRP price to drop back below $1. So far, that has not happened just yet. Although it is only hanging on by a thread, the XRP price refuses to give in, for the time being. XRP Price Refuses to Budge It is evident the XRP price has appreciated in value by quite a margin over the past six months.

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XRP Price Dips to $1.3 as Cryptocurrency Markets Take a Beating

TheMerkle XRP Price Surge 0.51Most cryptocurrency enthusiasts may have noticed how all markets are in the red right now. We are not talking about small losses here either, as all currencies have lost double-digit percentages in value over the past 24 hours. One of the bigger “losers” in this regard is XRP, as the XRP price has lost a whopping 28.76% in the past 24 hours. Moreover, the XRP price has been on a steady decline for more than a week now, and things will not improve in the near future. XRP Price is Heading Back to $1 at this Rate It is always

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MoneyGram Confirms XRP Integration Is an Internal Pilot Program

TheMerkle MoneyGram XPR Internal PilotEarlier this week, MoneyGram made it clear that it is more than willing to experiment with Ripple’s technology. Additionally, the remittance giant will use XRP for some of its day-to-day operations. The company has now clarified its position in this regard, as it will only run a pilot program for the time being. It has yet to be determined whether or not MoneyGram will use XRP for its consumer-oriented products in the future. MoneyGram Will Trial XRP When news broke about MoneyGram using XRP, it seemed a lot of people assumed the company would use this new asset for day-to-day operations. As is usually

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Kentucky Fried Chicken Canada Launches “Bitcoin Bucket”

Kentucky Fried Chicken Canada Launches “Bitcoin Bucket”Bitcoiners in the past few days have witnessed mainstream media spreading rumors about South Korea’s ban on cryptocurrency. This, as always, caused some panic selling. But hey, don’t be upset. Colonel Sanders is here to spread some fried chicken joy amid the crypto bloodbath. KFC Canada tweeted today they are accepting Bitcoin for the finger […]

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Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies

Japan's DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 CryptocurrenciesJapanese e-commerce and entertainment giant DMM Group has launched its crypto exchange, supporting 7 cryptocurrencies and 14 trading pairs. The group is also preparing to launch another crypto exchange in the Spring aimed at inexperienced investors. Also read: South Korea Urges 23 Countries, EU, and IMF to Collaborate on Curbing Crypto Trading DMM’s Crypto Exchange Launched […]

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Markets Update: Cryptos Look for Relief After South Korea Mainstream Media FUD Causes Losses

Markets Update: Cryptos Look for Relief After South Korea Mainstream Media FUD Causes LossesThere’s been a lot of uncertainty stemming from the mainstream media’s portrayal of South Korea’s digital asset economy, and rumors of a trading ‘ban’ has triggered some significant cryptocurrency market volatility. The price of bitcoin took a tumble downwards yesterday evening to the $12,775 USD zone around 11 pm EDT, after it came close to […]

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Change.org Petition Aims to Make XRP a Base Trading Market on Exchanges

TheMerkle XRP Price SurgeRipple’s XRP asset has been of great interest to financial institutions, traders, and speculators all over the world. Although it is pretty volatile due to the fact that it is traded against cryptocurrencies, things are still looking pretty solid for the time being. A new petition on Change.org aims to make XRP the base currency for all cryptocurrency exchanges. It’s a very interesting turn of events, although it remains to be seen how much impact such a petition can actually have. Making XRP More Prominent Across Exchanges In the world of cryptocurrency exchanges, there are very few base trading markets to be

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