Report Claims 34,000 Ethereum Smart Contracts Are Vulnerable to Bugs

Report Claims 34,000 Ethereum Smart Contracts Are Vulnerable to BugsOver 34,000 ethereum smart contracts containing $4.4 million in ETH may be vulnerable to exploitation. That’s the conclusion reached by a quintet of researchers hailing from Singapore and the UK. Their technical report, which is currently undergoing peer review, suggests that millions of dollars in ether may be at risk from poorly coded smart contracts […]

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PR: Hybrid Blockchain XinFin ICO Enters Second Week, Announces Institutional Partnerships

Hybrid Blockchain XinFin ICOXinFin’s Hybrid Blockchain ICO was announced last week after launching minimum viable products and ongoing pilot projects with several institutions. The utility coin XDCE offering enters second week.

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Singapore’s DLT-Based Project Ubin Enters Its Third Testing Phase

TheMerkle Singapore project Ubin DLTMultiple governments are showing an interest in tokenizing their national currencies. We have seen discussions like these take place in Singapore, the US, the UK, and a few other countries as well. Most recently, the Singaporean government has been experimenting with a tokenized SGD. This project is known as Project Ubin, and it seems the trial is currently in its third phase. It’s a positive turn of events, although it remains to be seen if this currency will ever be brought into circulation. Project Ubin is Progressing Nicely Creating a tokenized version of an existing national currency will not be all that easy.

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PR: Marketing Cloud Lydian Announces New Investment from Prolific Blockchain Investor, Chris Rouland and Announcement of New Advisers

Marketing Cloud Lydian Adds New AdvisersLydian announced it has obtained a new investment and add two new advisors to its advisory board. Chris Rouland, a serial entrepreneur the founder of Endgame, Bastille Networks and most recently Phosphorus, a prolific blockchain investor, veteran in information security, and holder of a dozen patents related to Cyber Security, has joined Lydian as an investor and advisor. Ageesen Sri, a popular figure in the cryptocurrency community having over six years of experience in the cryptocurrency/blockchain ecosystem has also become a part of the Lydian team.

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No Strong Case to Ban Crypto Trading, Singapore Says

No Strong Case to Ban Crypto Trading, Singapore SaysThe Monetary Authority of Singapore has been studying cryptocurrency developments and there is no strong case to ban crypto trading, a high-ranking government official told lawmakers. The adoption of regulations in other countries in the region has increased pressure on authorities in the city-state to clarify their stance on bitcoin, as more crypto companies in […]

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