Explaining the GME Short Squeeze

If you are in the habit of keeping your eye on the stock market at all, then you will recall the extreme, and sudden, rise in GameStop stock prices in early 2021. On January 7, 2021, GameStop stock was selling at about $18 a share. The long-struggling, brick and mortar gaming store seemed to be set for a full collapse as COVID knocked out any last hope of a comeback, but then something happened that would shake the whole stock market and stir up more excitement than any game GameStop had on its shelves. Some investors were taking part in

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Why You Need Supply Chain Diversity

Supply Chain is one of the biggest hot button topics of the last six months.  Whether it has to do with the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic or with various issues such as the relations in the Middle East or the Suez Canal. What many people don’t realize is that the supply chain is something that drives our daily lives.  Whether it’s picking up apples at the grocery store or buying an item off of Amazon we depend on various supply chains to fulfill our daily needs.  2020 saw the largest disruption in the supply chain that we have

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Links are Not Dead

Links are not dead. As long as interconnected networks form the internet, links matter. According to SEMrush, 4 of the top 8 ranking factors are based on link signals. On average, Google’s number 1 organic search result has 3.8 times more backlinks and 3.2 times more referring domains than numbers 2 through 10. Link signals account for 28% of Google ranking factors for local organic search – more than any other factor. This combined makes link building and technical optimization the most effective SEO tasks. Not all links are helpful though; the harder a link is to get, the more

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How to Pick the Best Email Marketing Services

Email is far from dead. By 2024, more than 361 billion emails will be sent a day, making it a powerful and cost-effective marketing tool. Email marketing alone acquires 40x more customers than Facebook and Twitter campaigns combined. The vast majority of marketing professionals express that email engagement is one of their top metrics for measuring content performance, and 59% say email is their biggest source of ROI. To achieve effective email marketing success, marketers need to know how to boost email open rates, increase click rates, and avoid spam complaints. Less than one-quarter of marketing emails are opened by

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What is Industry 4.0?

The New Industrial Revolution is changing the way products are made and shaping the future. The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, will introduce better products to the market in less time and at a lower cost. Industry 1.0, mechanization, replaced animal and human labor with machines, which was driven by the steam and internal combustion engine. Industry 2.0 was characterized by mass production. Assembly lines increased productivity and efficiency, and shipping was made easy because of railways and telegraph lines. Industry 3.0, digitization, consisted of a rise in telecommunications, computers, nuclear power. Electronics and IT were also integrated into manufacturing

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How to Pick the Best Website Hosting

Making your website is more important than ever, and choosing the best web hosting is a key component in every successful web page. Google’s Best Practices advise that your website should load in less than 3 seconds. The benefits of increasing website speed are improved user experience, increased conversation rates, and improved search ranking. A 9-second increase in page load time increases mobile bounce rate by 123%. There are many factors that contribute to website speed. Poorly coded plugins can significantly slow down your website, as well as overcrowded pages, shared hosting that allows other sites to consume resources, WordPress

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Existing Customers: The Secret to Success

Your most loyal customers are the ones you already have. Let’s explore how failed payments affect revenue and look at ways that companies can improve and increase customer retention. In the United States, customer churn costs $136 billion, of which 34% is due to involuntary churn and failed payments. Failed payments cut into forecasted revenue with 48% of businesses saying chargeback rates cut into their earnings and 43% saying that increased customer service contacts because of failed payments are more costly. The leading causes of failed payments occur because of insufficient funds, credit card limits, and credit card changes. While

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Healthcare Jobs of the Future

Recent encouragements to integrate and leverage consumer generated data in the world of healthcare poses a unique threat to patient privacy that isn’t addressed nearly enough. According to the 2021 healthcare trends report published by Apploi, said patient data would be collected via monitoring devices installed in homes, on smartphones, in public places, and healthcare facilities that would have the capability to regularly record and upload patient data that would get sent to providers. As the dependence on digital health increases, so do the barriers that will need to be addressed which include: unreliable access to the internet, privacy,

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Cybersecurity for the Post-Covid Economy

As we are hopefully seeing the light at the end of the tunnel from the pandemic with proper distancing, masks, lockdowns, and vaccines, we should turn our attention to how business will be done in the post-pandemic economy. An often overlooked concern during these times is how to handle cybersecurity in an ever changing business setting. Many employees enjoy the freedom of working from home (WFH), however it makes for a much more fragmented and less secure strategy in trying to deal with securing a company network. At the start of the pandemic last year, hacking and phishing attempts were

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How Society Creates Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship today is an occupation distinct from all others. It can be characterized by great individualism, increased risk, and the lure of great reward. Successful entrepreneurs explicitly seek to increase their own prosperity, yet they often improve social welfare along the way. Their development is a topic widely discussed on the individual level by business literature. On the societal level, entrepreneurship and innovation traces back to the early modern era when Western society rejected their previous aristocratic deal (“do what I say and I’ll let you work”) in favor of the bourgeois deal (“leave me alone and I’ll make you

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