The Politicization of Money: Crypto as a Safeguard Against Economic Propaganda 

Money has come a long way since its origins. From cowry shells to crypto, transferable, divisible, and economically sound means of exchange have been adopted by market actors everywhere. Modern history has brought us to a dangerous place, however, a cultural climate where politics and bad economics have co-opted monetary utility in the name of […]

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Current Crypto Bear Market Set to Become the Longest Ever

The market downturn that has prevailed since early 2018 is now within weeks of becoming the longest winter in the history of the cryptocurrency markets. Despite being on course to become the longest downtrend in BTC’s annals, the current market has produced the weakest drawdown of the three major bear trends experienced by BTC so […]

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Bitcoin History Part 8: When 1,500 BTC Cost Less Than $1

Bitcoin History Part 8: When 1,500 BTC Cost Less Than $1How much is one bitcoin worth? In fiat currency terms, that’s a constantly shifting answer, but ever since the beginning, the following has held true: one bitcoin is worth as much as the buyer is willing to pay. Today, that’s likely to be a few thousand dollars, but back in the day, the reverse was […]

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A Hands On Review of the New Card-Shaped Hardware Device Coolwallet S

A Hands On Review of the New Card-Shaped Hardware Device Coolwallet SThis week received the new Coolwallet S — the cryptocurrency hardware wallet shaped like a credit card. As we previously reported, the interesting digital asset storage card started shipping last month so we decided to give the wallet a hands on review. Also read: North Carolina Banking Bill Passes — Adds Virtual Currency License Requirements […]

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Economics Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller Examines Bitcoin in Historical Context

Economics Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller Examines Bitcoin in Historical ContextProfessor Robert Shiller, who received the 2013 Nobel prize in economics and is famous for the Case-Shiller Index, published an article on Monday talking about the way the allure of bitcoin fits previous attempts to reinvent money. Also Read:  Crypto Revolution Starts Reshaping Global Politics Historical Precedents The main question Shiller was trying to answer […]

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PR: Innovative Social Network Monoreto Launches Pre-ICO

Social Network Monoreto Launches Pre-ICOOn May 10, 2018, the pre-ICO of the new social network Monoreto starts. The project introduces a blockchain, which will help social network users to monetize their content and their interactions with each other. This social network can disrupt the media landscape: any user will be rewarded, and influencers will get more opportunities for development.

The revenue of social networks depends on user data: content, history of actions on the network and their interactions with each other. The developers of the network do not produce those products. They just support the platform, store user data and sell network audience to advertisers.

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This Week in Bitcoin: Hypertokenization

This Week in Bitcoin: HypertokenizationYou’ve heard of hyberbitcoinization: how bitcoin could one day replace hyper-inflated fiat currencies. Now say hello to its lesser companion, hypertokenization: the idea that there should be a token for everything. Like salt and pepper, tokens are best enjoyed in moderation, but if the top stories from This Week in Bitcoin are an indicator, we […]

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Crypto History Part 1: 400 Million Billion Billion, Beer, and a Murderous Plot

Crypto History: 400 Million Billion Billion, Beer, and a Murderous PlotThe history of our benefactor – cryptography – is one filled with intrigue, drama, religion, statecraft, tinkerers, amazing minds, and so much more. In the first of a series, examines a crypto tale to illustrate its wonderfully colorful development and usage. This particular instalment recounts a 432 year-old plot to kill a queen, and […]

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PR: ChronoBase Will Run a Token Pre-Sale to Protect Your Watch with a Blockchain Technology

Chronobase Will Run a Token Pre-Sale to Protect Your Watch with a Blockchain TechnologyThe world’s first decentralized luxury watch database – ChronoBase – announces its token pre-sale, which will start on March 27th. Thanks to this database, the owners of luxury watches will be able to price them accordingly and claim ownership on the spot, while manufacturers and dealers will be able to prove the ‘clean’ origin of watches.

ChronoBase is based on the modern blockchain technology called a decentralized database. The system will generate an Ethereum-based certificate that cannot be falsified. Moreover, users can check whether the watch is stolen and find out if it is already in use to avoid a fraud.

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Meet Bitcoin XT, the Precursor to Bitcoin Cash

Since its inception and launch last summer, Bitcoin Cash has maintained the attention of everyone in the cryptocurrency community. For better or worse, the Bitcoin hard fork has assumed a major role as the leading dissenter to the Bitcoin protocol. While most individuals currently involved in cryptocurrency have some knowledge of the sentiments and events associated with Bitcoin Cash (BCH), most are unaware of the historical antecedents of the August 1 hard fork. Prior to the Bitcoin Cash campaign, there was another potential fork of Bitcoin known as Bitcoin XT. Like BCH, Bitcoin XT sought to solve scalability issues through larger blocks and realize Satoshi’s vision

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