What Is Power Ledger?

TheMerkle Power LedgerThe energy industry is prone to disruption in many ways. Contrary to what most people think, the entire renewable energy market is still somewhat centralized. Power Ledger aims to change that by providing the world’s leading peer-to-peer marketplace for renewable energy. It’s an ambitious goal, but can it be realized? The Purpose of Power Ledger Combining blockchain technology with renewable energy will undoubtedly lead to some intriguing developments over the years. Building a platform where this energy can be traded freely without any friction is a different matter altogether. Power Ledger wants to remove intermediaries from the equation, as they are

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What Is Factom?

factom logo largeBlockchain technology can be used for many different purposes. Its main appeal is being able to securely store documents which cannot be altered at a later stage. Factom is providing such a solution as we speak, as the company focuses on being practical for those looking to preserve and validate digital assets. What is Factom Exactly? Factom is designed to become a practical blockchain solution on top of which to build applications. Its primary user group is the enterprise sector, although Factom is accessible to anyone who wants to focus on building dApps. With its core technology, Factom aims to provide people

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What Is NavCoin?

Even though there are thousands of cryptocurrencies on the market today, it goes to show there is still a growing demand for more convenient solutions. NavCoin purports to provide that solution, as it aims to simplify the concept of cryptocurrency altogether. NavCoin in a Nutshell NavCoin is, like virtually all other cryptocurrencies, a decentralized form of peer-to-peer money. It uses the Bitcoin code as a base, yet adds some unique features and functionality to the mix. With a strong focus on making online payments easier and cheaper, it is evident this currency brings some interesting competition to the marketplace. Moreover, it seems NavCoin focuses

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What Is FunFair?

funfair logoFunFair is one of those blockchain-oriented projects which aims to change the online casino industry as a whole. We have seen cryptocurrencies make some impact on this industry, but when it comes to blockchain, there are still a lot of opportunities waiting to be explored. FunFair has the potential to elevate things to a whole new level. What is FunFair Exactly? On paper, the online gaming and gambling industry has seen a lot of change in recent years. Especially with the shift to digital and online gaming and gambling, a lot of new opportunities have arisen. FunFair wants to make

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What Is SALT?

TheMerkle SALT Lending Blockchain AssetsLending over the blockchain is one of those innovative concepts which could become quite successful. SALT is one of the many companies looking to explore this business opportunity. Its goal is to let users hold onto their assets and still get their cash. What is SALT? SALT is a blockchain-based lending platform which lets anyone in the world leverage their blockchain assets. That collateral is then used to secure cash loans. This solution removes the need for users to sell their cryptocurrency holdings to get the money they need. It’s an interesting service that can be accessed with a convenient application process without any official

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What Is Cryptonex?

TheMerkle CryptonexEven though Bitcoin is the world’s leading cryptocurrency as of right now, it is anything but the best option around. Several currencies have been created to complement Bitcoin in different ways. Cryptonex, on the other hand, wants to represent the next generation of decentralized cryptocurrencies. Succeeding in this mission will not be easy. Uncovering the Purpose of Cryptonex To most people, Cryptonex may appear to be just another altcoin which may not necessarily serve a purpose. In the real world, however, the project is a lot more ambitious. It is designed to become the go-to way to exchange any of the world’s

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What Is GXShares?

TheMerkle GXShares LogoThere are many different ways to harness the power of blockchain technology. GXShares is doing so by providing a secure, fast and traceable data transaction and credit verification system. Moreover, they want to offer this solution to everyone in the world, regardless of location or prior access to similar services. What is GXShares Exactly? No one will deny big data has become the new normal in the world of technology. Processing all of this information in a convenient and secure manner is a different matter altogether. GXShares positions itself as a data trading network to protect user privacy and offer copyright

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What Is CoinGossip?

THeMerkle CoinGossip 4Chain CryptocurrencyMost people are well aware that 4Chan has shown an increased interest in cryptocurrency as of late. Although most of the information found there is either completely fake or only half-true, there are some legitimate discussions taking place as well. With the new CoinGossip platform, keeping tabs on such discussions becomes a lot easier. CoinGossip can be a fun Tool On the surface, very few people will have use for a platform such as CoinGossip. All it does is keep tabs on which currencies are being discussed the most on either 4Chan or the /r/Cryptocurrency subreddit. Consequently, it becomes easy to see which

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Venezuelan Government Opens School to Teach Citizens About Cryptocurrencies

Venezuelan Government Opens School to Teach Citizens About CryptocurrenciesThe Venezuelan government has opened a school in the capital city to teach its citizens how to buy, sell, and mine cryptocurrencies, including courses on the nation’s oil-backed currency, the petro. Meanwhile, President Nicolas Maduro has approved resources for universities across the country to establish mining farms. Also read: Indians Look to Buy Bitcoin Overseas as […]

The post Venezuelan Government Opens School to Teach Citizens About Cryptocurrencies appeared first on Bitcoin News.

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What Is Ethos?

TheMerkle Ethos LogoA project that goes by the name of Ethos sounds like something very philosophical. The mission of the Ethos team is not all that different, as they aim to provide a people-powered cryptocurrency platform to the masses. Whether or not this project can become the future of finance remains to be seen. So far, it certainly offers a lot of interesting features for users to check out. What is Ethos Exactly? On paper, the Ethos project wants to become the future of social finance. With a strong focus on offering investment opportunities, empowering the world, and making cryptocurrency accessible to

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