Deutsche Bank: Bitcoin Now 3rd Largest Currency, Too Important to Ignore

Deutsche Bank: Bitcoin Now 3rd Largest Currency, Too Important to IgnoreDeutsche Bank has published a report stating that bitcoin is too important to ignore, noting that it is now the third-largest currency in terms of the total value in circulation. In addition, the bank says that governments and central banks know that cryptocurrencies are here to stay and are expected to start regulating the industry […]

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Banks Turn Away Customer Deposits due to Negative Interest Rates in Germany

Banks Turn Away Customer Deposits Due to Negative Interest Rates in GermanyBanks in Germany are reportedly turning customer deposits away due to the negative interest rate imposed on them by the European Central Bank (ECB). Some banks are even offering online tools to help customers take their deposits elsewhere. Negative Interest Rates Imposed by ECB Force Banks to Turn Away Customer Deposits Banks in Germany have […]

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Bitcoin Seen as the Largest Bubble but ‘Tesla More Vulnerable’ — Deutsche Bank Survey

Bitcoin Seen as the Largest Bubble but 'Tesla More Vulnerable' — Deutsche Bank SurveyDeutsche Bank has conducted a survey about financial bubbles. Eighty-nine percent of respondents see some bubbles in financial markets, with bitcoin near the “extreme bubble” territory. However, more respondents expect the cryptocurrency to double than they do Tesla’s stock. Deutsche Bank’s Bubble Survey A survey published Tuesday by Deutsche Bank asked 627 market professionals to […]

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Bitcoin Now the Most Crowded Trade – Labeled a ‘Bubble’ in Bank of America Survey

Bitcoin Now the Most Crowded Trade – Labeled a 'Bubble' in Bank of America SurveyAccording to findings of a recent Bank of America (BOA) survey, buying bitcoin has now surpassed tech stocks as the most crowded trade. This new ranking means tech stocks have been relegated into second place for the first time since October 2019. Bitcoin Bubble Ranking Still, a majority of the interviewed fund managers believe bitcoin […]

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5 Major Banks Exposed for Moving Trillions for Mobsters, Onecoin, and Drug Cartels

According to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), five major global banks have been exposed funneling trillions of dollars in criminal funds in the recently leaked FinCEN Files. The massive leak is 2,100 documents spanning from 2000 to 2017 which shows fraudulent funds flowed almost effortlessly through JPMorgan, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank, […]

The post 5 Major Banks Exposed for Moving Trillions for Mobsters, Onecoin, and Drug Cartels appeared first on Bitcoin News.

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