Eurosystem Seeks Providers of Prototype Payment Solutions for Digital Euro

Eurosystem Seeks Providers of Prototype Payment Solutions for Digital EuroEurozone’s monetary authority, the Eurosystem, is looking to enlist financial companies willing to develop front-end solutions for the digital euro. The plan is to carry out a “prototyping exercise” this year to test transactions to the back-end developed by the regulator. Eurosystem to Select Front-End Providers for Digital Euro Project Within the ongoing investigation into […]

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Digital Ruble ‘Much Needed,’ Russia’s Central Bank Says, Won’t Delay Testing

Digital Ruble ‘Much Needed,’ Russia’s Central Bank Says, Won’t Delay TestingThe Central Bank of Russia has emphasized the importance of moving forward with its digital ruble project. According to a statement by a top representative, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being ready to participate yet. Bank of Russia to Experiment With Digital Ruble Payments This […]

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IMF Warns Russia Sanctions Threaten to Undermine US Dollar Dominance

IMF Warns Russia Sanctions Threaten to Undermine US Dollar DominanceFinancial sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine may result in reduced dominance of the U.S. currency, according to a high-ranking official at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The confrontation could lead to fragmentation of the world’s current monetary system, the top representative warned. New Currency Blocs May Emerge Amid Mounting Restrictions on […]

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Russia May Accept Bitcoin for Gas Exports, Lawmaker Says

Russia May Accept Bitcoin for Gas Exports, Lawmaker SaysRussia is moving away from the dollar and the euro as payment options for its energy exports, and bitcoin has been mentioned as a possible substitute alongside the ruble and the national currencies of partnering countries. A high-ranking parliamentarian has indicated that Moscow may take cryptocurrency for natural gas and other resources. Russian Official Mentions […]

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Russian Banks Told to Track Crypto-Related Transactions Amid Currency Restrictions

Russian Banks Told to Track Crypto-Related Transactions Amid Currency RestrictionsBank of Russia has recommended commercial banks pay heightened attention to their clients’ transactions related to cryptocurrencies. The regulator requires the financial institutions to monitor such activity against the backdrop of restrictions on currency operations amid western sanctions. Monetary Authority Urges Banks to Control Spending Linked to Crypto Assets The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) […]

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Euro Inflation Hits Record Highs, ECB Not in Rush to Raise Interest Rates

Euro Inflation Hits Record Highs, ECB Not in Rush to Raise Interest RatesThe European Central Bank is concerned over inflation in the euro area rising beyond its own expectations, a high-ranking ECB official has admitted. However, Europe’s monetary authority is not prepared to raise interest rates at this point in time, the executive unveiled. ECB Sees No Reason to Adjust Interest Rates Despite Eurozone Inflation Reaching 5% […]

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‘Being a Currency and a Security Are Not Contradictory,’ Crypto Can Be Both: Monetary Historian

Franklin Noll, an academic and monetary historian, has asserted that crypto can be both a security and a currency. Pointing to the history of U.S. money, Noll argues that being both a currency and a security is, in fact, not contradictory. The ‘Infamous’ Continental Dollar Coins Franklin Noll, a U.S.-based monetary historian, has asserted that […]

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Bank of Russia Rejects Provision of Crypto-Related Financial Services

Bank of Russia Rejects Provision of Crypto-Related Financial ServicesRussia’s central bank has voiced opposition to the provision of financial services related to cryptocurrencies. The monetary authority believes such offerings would go against the interests of Russian investors as they are highly risky. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow Financial Services for Crypto Assets The Central Bank of Russia (CBR), known for its […]

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Digital Ruble Poses Risks to Financial Sector and Security, Russian Lawmakers Warn

Digital Ruble Poses Risks to Financial Sector and Security, Russian Lawmakers WarnRussian parliamentarians have cautioned against risks associated with the introduction of a digital ruble. Among them are the likely increase of competition pressure on banks and new challenges that may arise in the field of information security. Financial Market Committee Sees Threats in Digital Ruble Project Russia’s digital fiat, currently under development, brings certain risks […]

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