Cryptocurrency Donations Bring an Advanced Medical Post for Coronavirus Victims to Italy

The Merkle Washington State COVID-19Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can often be used to support charitable events. During the novel coronavirus outbreak, Italy’s Red Cross is accepting Bitcoin donations for an advanced medical post. It is evident that a lot of countries will need help to keep the novel coronavirus in check. Helping Italy With Cryptocurrencies In Italy, the situation has spiraled out of control completely in the past week. With so many patients awaiting treatment, new solutions need to be found. One campaign on HelperBit was designed to achieve funding for an advanced medical post for pre-triage. A goal of 10,000 Euro was set,

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Encryption Standards Threatened Under Pretext of Battling Coronavirus

Encryption Standards Threatened Under Pretext of Battling CoronavirusGovernments around the world have been trying for some time to bypass encryption and backdoor messaging apps. End-to-end encryption was preventing authorities from stopping terrorist attacks, we were told, and personal privacy had to be sacrificed for the greater good. Now, as the coronavirus spreads through the world, the powers-that-be claim public health is being […]

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1.2 Million Italians Can Now Buy Bitcoin From Their Bank

1.2 Million Italians Can Now Buy Bitcoin From Their Bank After Hype Partners With ConioBuying bitcoin just got easier for Italians. The country’s mobile bank Hype has announced a partnership with fintech Conio, enabling customers to buy, sell, and securely store BTC from within their banking app. With over a million Italians choosing to bank with Hype, and 60,000 new customers being onboarded each week, the challenger bank’s decision […]

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Former Bakkt CEO Allegedly Made Millions After Receiving Insider Coronavirus Information

TheMerkle Spam StocksThere is never a shortage of drama and speculation in the cryptocurrency world. Former Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler is now accused of insider trading. A lot of people are making good money during the novel coronavirus crisis. Former Bakkt CEO has Some Explaining to do Some may have done so due to insider information, including the former CEO of Bakkt. Kelly Loeffler sold millions of dollars in stock holdings following a Coronavirus briefing in late January of 2020. That meeting could only be attended by senators, as Loeffler is a Junior US Senator today. Many people she effectively sold the

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