Heated Debate Continues Over Bitcoin Cash Infrastructure Funding Plan

Last Wednesday, the founder of the mining operation Btc.top announced a proposal that would fund Bitcoin Cash (BCH) development over the course of six months. Over the last five days, the funding plan has been the most dominant conversation within the BCH ecosystem, as supporters debate the merits of the miner’s proposal. This week, BCH … Read more

Bitcoin Cash Miner Jiang Zhuoer Answers Infrastructure Funding Questions

On Wednesday, Btc.top founder Jiang Zhuoer disclosed that five mining operations had plans to donate roughly $6 million in coinbase rewards (depending on market prices) to developers building Bitcoin Cash infrastructure. The news was met with mixed reviews as some of the specifics of the deal were scrutinized and the miner funding subject has been … Read more

Bitcoin Cash Miners Plan $6M Development Fund by Leveraging Block Rewards

A group of Bitcoin Cash mining pool operations have decided to help fund BCH infrastructure development. On January 22, Btc.top founder Jiang Zhuoer revealed that five mining pools are preparing a short-term developers donation plan. Miners from Btc.top, Bitcoin.com, Viabtc, Antpool, and Btc.com plan to give “12.5% of [the] BCH coinbase rewards to a fund … Read more