Ethereum Memecoin $PEPE Hits New All-Time High

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In a bullish trading session, Ethereum’s largest capped memecoin, $PEPE, has surged 10% to reach a new all-time high of $0.00001577. This remarkable price increase reflects growing interest and investment in the memecoin. Prominent investor James Wynn, known on Twitter as jwynn.eth (@JamesWynnReal), deposited 491 billion $PEPE, worth approximately $7.54 million, into Binance. Wynn has been vocal about his belief that $PEPE remains severely undervalued despite its recent gains. His confidence is bolstered by his previous investment, where he spent just $8,524 to acquire 2.83 trillion $PEPE, now valued at $44.4 million, yielding substantial profits. jwynn.eth(@JamesWynnReal) deposited 491B $PEPE($7.54M) into

The post Ethereum Memecoin $PEPE Hits New All-Time High appeared first on The Merkle News.

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