BlockDAG Dazzles After Keynote, Achieves $2.6M in Miner Sales as FLR Token Burn and Aptos Blockchain Develop

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The recent elimination of over a billion FLR tokens through the FLR token burn has once again brought attention to the Flare Network, strengthening its tokenomics. Concurrently, the Aptos blockchain has shown impressive growth, with increased transaction volumes and an expanding DeFi presence, even though its native token has shown moderate price movements. However, attention is likely to pivot to BlockDAG, celebrated as the top cryptocurrency for 2024. A successful keynote has catapulted its presale income above $30 million, with miner sales surging to 2.6 million units, placing BlockDAG at the exciting crossroads of innovation and investor appeal. FLR Token

The post BlockDAG Dazzles After Keynote, Achieves $2.6M in Miner Sales as FLR Token Burn and Aptos Blockchain Develop appeared first on The Merkle News.

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