Scottish Music School Now Supports Crypto Payments for Tuition

Scottish Music School Now Supports Crypto Payments for TuitionOn March 28, the Scottish school in Edinburgh called the Morningside School of Music decided to accept cryptocurrency payments for tuition. Morningside’s director Linda Boyd said the school had noticed the trend of larger firms joining the crypto economy and it’s “just a matter of time before smaller businesses like ours start doing the same,” […]

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Hong Kong Security Crackdown Leads to Record Capital Outflows— Residents Reportedly Used Cryptocurrencies to Move Funds

The Canadian anti-money laundering agency, Fintrac, says it recorded official capital inflows originating from Hong Kong that totaled more than $34 billion in the past year. The outflows, which are the highest since 2012 when the earliest Fintrac records are available, “are the first evidence of a significant flight of capital overseas from the Asian […]

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