Over 100 Firms Seek Licenses to Operate Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Japan

Over 100 Firms Seek Licenses to Operate Cryptocurrency Exchanges in JapanThere are over 100 companies reportedly waiting for the Japanese Financial Services Agency to approve their registrations to operate cryptocurrency exchanges. While only 16 exchanges are fully licensed in Japan, the agency has allowed another 16 to operate without a license for the time being. However, going forward, only those with sufficient safety and customer […]

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Top 6 Crypto Influencers on Twitter

TheMerkle Twitter Crypto InfluencersEveryone in the cryptocurrency world has their own opinion regarding this industry. The so-called influencers in this space can often be found on Twitter and other social media platforms. Below are some of the people well worth keeping an eye on, in no particular order. CryptoCobain By far one of the more intriguing “color commentators” in the cryptocurrency ecosystem goes by the handle of @CryptoCobain. Although it appears that he is trying to quit this ecosystem once and for all, it seems to be a matter of time until he makes a full return. One could say CryptoCobain is as entwined with cryptocurrency as

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Louisiana Attorney General Fires IT Staff for Allegedly Mining Bitcoin

Louisiana Attorney General Fires IT Staff for Allegedly Mining BitcoinIt appears that the allure of free electricity and computer systems, courtesy of the tax payers, might be too hard for some government workers all over the world to resist. After it was recently revealed that Russian nuclear scientists were arrested for mining bitcoin on the job, now it is reported that American IT staff […]

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What Is Rabobit?

TheMerkle Rabobank RabobitBanks all over the world have shown increasing interest in cryptocurrencies as of late. Rabobank in the Netherlands is probably the most open-minded institution in this regard. Its Rabobit service will be of great interest to a lot of cryptocurrency users in the future. A Closer Look at the Rabobit Service As the name Rabobit somewhat suggests, Rabobank has officially entered the cryptocurrency world. Although most people knew the bank was experimenting with this new form of money, it largely remained unclear what its long-term vision entailed exactly. It seems we now have an answer, as the Dutch financial institution wants to let

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Circle-Poloniex Deal Presages the Future of Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Circle-Poloniex Deal Presages the Future of Cryptocurrency ExchangesWhen it was announced on Monday that Circle would be acquiring Poloniex, much of the focus was on the $400 million reported to have changed hands. It was a good bit of business for both parties, ran the general consensus, and not a bad deal for customers of the exchange either, who might finally experience […]

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What Is RippleByte?

TheMerkle RippleByte ICORipple has quickly become one of the more intriguing projects in the world of digital currencies. Although the project is not even remotely similar to cryptocurrency, a lot of people see the value in what the company aims to provide. As such, it was only a matter of time until copycat currencies tried to capitalize on the Ripple name. RippleByte appears to be the first major currency to do so, although it is not exactly something most people will care about. Is RippleByte a Decentralized Ripple? Anyone who has paid attention to Ripple and its XRP asset will notice that its infrastructure is

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The 5 Best ICOs in 2018 Which Might Make You a Millionaire

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you had all the money in the world? Everyone has. But we take it to be just daydreaming. Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Article According to researchers, at least in the US, while entering the top 20% income distribution can be achieved through education and hard work, entering the top 1% is almost impossible if you don’t have a wealthy background. It’s also well known that nobody becomes rich by saving up under the mattress. You could take 20% of your income each month and save it, but if you’re making $50

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Goldmoney Launches Ether and Bitcoin Cash Cold Storage

Goldmoney Launches Ether and Bitcoin Cash Cold StorageAs cryptocurrency investing is becoming more mainstream, it keeps attracting wealthier and more cautious established players. To answer the need for enhanced security by such investors, one of the biggest names in the gold business, Goldmoney, has now expanded its bitcoin cold storage service to include ethereum and bitcoin cash. Also Read: Las Vegas Strippers […]

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