Ethereum Wallet ImToken Has $35B in Deposits, More Than 99% of US Banks

China-based ImToken, one of the first cryptocurrency and Ethereum wallets to be listed on the Apple App Store, has processed more than $35 billion in deposits over the past few years, surpassing Coinbase. Similar to Blockchain, MyEtherWallet, and MyCrypto, ImToken is a free and non-custodial wallet that enables users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum while maintaining full control over their private keys and accounts. In the early days of Ethereum, prior to the creation of popular wallets such as MyEtherWallet and MetaMask, ImToken was the only reliable mobile wallet users could utilize on mobile devices. The first-mover

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PR: Eth888 Launches Fair Lottery Games on the ETH Blockchain

Eth888 Launches Fair Lottery Games on the ETH BlockchainThe crypto startup ETH888 has created the most feasible and provably fair lottery games on the Ethereum blockchain where participants can play Status browser or Ethereum wallet enabled environment, with instant result generation.

At similar blockchain-based online casinos, it takes one block time – or even up to several minutes – to generate a random result. It is not only time-consuming for the players but it costs them more since the process requires significant gas consumption. The ETH888 team invested their time to research and to develop a breakthrough off-chain technology for instant random result generation that takes no more than 3 seconds, about 1/8 block time, and also saves at least 50 percent gas consumption. Beta game versions are already live in Ropsten testnet.

The post PR: Eth888 Launches Fair Lottery Games on the ETH Blockchain appeared first on Bitcoin News.

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Here Are the Top 5 Ethereum Wallets Supporting ERC20 Tokens

TheMerkle Ethereum wallets ERC20Cryptocurrency ICOs became increasingly popular throughout 2017. During the first few months of 2018, that hype seems to have calmed down a bit, even though there’s still plenty of excitement. This is an excellent opportunity to look into various Ethereum wallets which can store ERC20 tokens. As is always the case, hardware wallets are the best solution, but there are alternatives available as well. 5. Trust Although people may not have heard of Trust, it is an officially “endorsed” Ethereum wallet capable of supporting virtually all ERC20 tokens in existence. This app is available for both Android and iOS at present. It

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