What Is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization?

A key topic of discussion within the cryptocurrency space is the ultimate implications of cryptocurrency and the underlying blockchain technology. One of the first transformational possibilities shared among the community was the idea of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).  What Is a DAO? A Decentralized Autonomous Organization represents an environment that handles some function or […]

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Top 3 Industries About to Be Transformed by Blockchain

Blockchain technology represents an emerging sector and new paradigm of technology whose implications are massive. Speculation aside, it is becoming increasingly clear that blockchain is going to revolutionize a number of industries in national and global economies. Here are three such industries where blockchain-led disruption is imminent. 1. Insurance The insurance industry is a mess, […]

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What Are Stablecoins?

Every day, the cryptocurrency space sees new and exciting developments and progress. One particular area that has seen heightened exposure of late is the stablecoin. Stablecoins play an interesting role in decoupling blockchain utility from market volatility, and it’s likely that the niche will serve a vital role in the public adoption of cryptocurrency. Stablecoins, as the name suggests, represent a category of cryptocurrencies that are not subject to price volatility. They are stable in nature, and this stability typically comes from the backing of some alternative value. Perhaps the most prominent example of a stablecoin is Tether (USDT), which, of course, maintains a value equal

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DAOs, DApps, and Stacks: A Decentralized Governance System

The human body is a decentralized structure made of organs, sub-organs and sub-sub-organs, all the way to the cells, which themselves have their internal structure. The functionality of the body is pretty decentralized and no cell instructs other cells on what to do. Rather, each cell operates autonomously according to inputs it receives from its environment. Now, imagine a company without a CEO or hierarchy. Imagine an organization that can essentially run on its own, without managerial supervision, completely autonomously, as if there were a CEO or managerial structure in place. Scary or brilliant? What Is A ‘Decentralized Autonomous System?’ A ‘decentralized

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