Are Your Emails Safe?

Important as emails are to everyday business, most of the messages people receive are considered spam. In some cases, this means the messages are irrelevant or annoying, but in others, it means they’re dangerous. At least 3 billion phishing emails (fraudulent emails meant to steal personal information) are sent every day. Phishing emails come in many varieties. Oftentimes they are the first step of a more sophisticated attack. By 2025, phishing attacks will cost the world $10.5 trillion each year. Cybercrime is the 3rd largest global economy, behind only the US and China. Unsuspecting individuals are common targets for cybercrime,

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Korean Banks Elevate Cybersecurity to Deal With Crypto-Related Risks

Korean Banks Elevate Cybersecurity to Deal With Crypto-Related RisksSouth Korean banks are taking steps to bring cybersecurity to a new level as they try to keep up with fintechs and address new threats arising from their interaction with the crypto space. A number of institutions are adopting unprecedented measures including the integration of blockchain technologies, Korean media reported. South Korean Banks Boost Cybersecurity […]

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The Future of Networking to Support Remote Work

As many emerge from the pandemic and are going back to the office for the first time in over a year, many workers would rather quit than go back to the office. It is clear that companies will need to embrace remote work and distributed workforce to keep top talent happy and efficient. Whether you are working in a fully distributed manner or in-office a few times a week – either way, the way we think about networks will need to be rebuilt from the ground up to support the network of the future. Ananda Networks has built such a

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Securing Remote Work of the Future

Can you still remember the time when you would wake up to the alarm every morning, hit snooze, wake up again (repeat a few times), and then start the mad dash to the office? Do you remember when your office coffee choices were left up to the mercy of the herd, and when you were forced to wear pants day after day? The changes to “office life” brought on by the COVID pandemic of 2020 certainly can be looked at in a positive light. Still, not all of it is awesome. Securing remote work will be the key to the

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DDOS Attacks Report for Q1 2021 by StormWall

StormWall analyzed the statistics of DDoS attacks conducted against its customers  in Q1 2021.  StormWall, an international provider of solutions for protection against DDoS attacks, presents  an analysis of the statistics of attacks recorded in Q1 2021. The statistics reflect the established  attempts of DDoS attacks against StormWall customers from different countries of the world,  representing various industries and sectors of the economy.  General situation  As our analysis showed, the intensity of DDoS attacks, in general, continues to grow. So, in Q1  2021, we recorded 25.4% more attacks on our customers than in the fourth quarter of 2020. The  leaders

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