Sao Paolo Court Ruled Against Binance in User Withdrawal Related Case

Binance BrazilA court in Sao Paolo, Brazil, ruled against Binance in a case in which the leading cryptocurrency exchange faced a withdrawal-related complaint. A user, who introduced a lawsuit against the exchange because he couldn’t retrieve his funds from the platform, received almost $2,000 in damages and the funds deposited as part of the court decision […]

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Onchain Researchers Discover $63M in Ethereum From Harmony Bridge Attack Moved, Hackers Attempt to Launder Funds on Major Exchanges

Onchain Researchers Discover $63 Million Ethereum From Harmony Bridge Attack Moved, Hackers Attempt to Launder Funds on Major ExchangesOn Jan. 15, 2023, onchain researchers discovered that funds stolen during the Harmony bridge attack had been moved. The suspected thieves, who are allegedly associated with the North Korean hacking syndicate Lazarus Group, moved 41,000 ethereum, worth $63.2 million at current exchange rates. Onchain Researchers Track Stolen Ethereum From Harmony Bridge Attack and Help Major […]

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NFT Sales Drop 59% in Second Week of 2023; Ethereum Dominates Top 20 Blockchains with 75% of Sales

NFT Sales Drop 59% in Second Week of 2023; Ethereum Dominates Top 20 Blockchains with 75% of SalesNon-fungible token (NFT) sales have dropped significantly in contrast to the seven days prior, as NFT sales are down 59.35% this week. During the past seven days, $208.68 million in NFT sales were recorded, with $157.20 stemming from the Ethereum blockchain. The top-selling NFT collection this past week was the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), […]

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Hungarians Interested in Investment Potential of Cryptocurrencies, Poll Shows

Hungarians Interested in Investment Potential of Cryptocurrencies, Poll ShowsA survey has indicated that Hungarians would like to learn more about the long-term investment opportunities presented by cryptocurrencies. However, associated risks and insufficient information in their native language are major concerns, according to the polled. Hungarians Want to Know How Crypto Profits Are Taxed and What Rules Apply to Such Investments With increased global […]

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Decentralized Exchange Trading Volumes Remain Lackluster in the New Year, Uniswap Leads the Way with Daily Swaps

Decentralized Exchange Trading Volumes Remain Lackluster in the New Year, Uniswap Leads the Way with Daily SwapsAccording to statistics, decentralized exchange (dex) monthly trading volumes have dropped significantly since Jan. 2022. After a brief spike in volume in Nov. 2022, dex trade volumes have been lackluster for the past 44 days. As of Jan. 14, 2023, Uniswap version three (V3) has the highest trade volume during the past 24 hours at […]

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Disgraced FTX Co-Founder Awaits Trial, Passes Time Playing Video Games and Blogging on His New Substack Newsletter

Disgraced FTX Co-Founder Awaits Trial, Passes Time Playing Video Games and Blogging on His New Substack NewsletterThe former CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), has published a Substack newsletter on Jan. 12, 2023, and the first post is titled “FTX Pre-Mortem Overview.” In the post, SBF maintains that an “extreme, quick, targeted crash precipitated by the CEO of Binance made Alameda insolvent.” The blog post does not mention the allegations made […]

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