Why the Rich and Successful Prioritize their Sleep

What do Serena Williams, Tim Cook, and Jeff Bezos all have in common?  They all understand the importance of getting 7 or more hours of sleep every night.  As Bezos says, “8 hours of sleep makes a big difference for me… that’s the needed amount to feel energized and excited.”  Scientists agree: a good night’s sleep improves the brain’s memory, bolsters creativity, and reduces the chance of clerical errors.  Conversely, insufficient sleep has devastating health consequences.  Poor sleep leads to 13% higher mortality risk, 1.2 million working days lost, and 2 times greater chances of being in a car accident.

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How to Become Successful in Your Career

Success for us as working people is one of the most rewarding and best things that happens in a worker’s life. But recent generations are redefining what it means to be successful, what identifies people, and even what it means to be an adult. Gen Z is starting to define themselves by their achievements in school and their work, as compared to most adults who say it is their family and upbringing that defines who they are. Today’s young adults also don’t think that growing up is just about how old their have become, or getting married, having children, or

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