Study: Three-Quarters of Defi’s Total Value Locked Earn 5% APY in Low-Risk Contracts

Study: Three-Quarters of Defi’s Total Value Locked Earn 5% APY in Low-Risk ContractsIn the first quarter of 2024, approximately $43.8 billion, or 76% of the decentralized finance yield market, earned an annual percentage yield (APY) of about 5% in very low-risk contracts. Staking played a crucial role in the resurgence of decentralized finance, bolstered by the Ethereum network’s transition to a Proof-of-Stake model. The bridging sector experienced […]

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Arbitrum Registers Record Activity Over the Last 2 Weeks as Transactions per Day Count Surges

Arbitrum Registers Record Activity Over the Last 2 Weeks as Transactions per Day Count SurgesIn the past 20 days, the Arbitrum blockchain has recorded a significant number of transactions coinciding with the recent ARB airdrop that occurred on March 23. About two weeks ago, on that day, the Arbitrum network recorded an all-time high of 2.72 million transactions settled in 24 hours. L2 Network Arbitrum Records 2.72 Million Transactions […]

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While Bitcoin’s Hashrate Remains Sky-High, Merge-Mined Crypto Asset Networks Benefit

In recent times, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been consistently above 300 exahash per second (EH/s) as multiple mining pools dedicate significant hashpower to the Bitcoin blockchain today. Interestingly, some of the world’s top bitcoin mining pools are also using their hashrate to merge-mine other coins, and these networks have benefited from bitcoin’s increased hashrate. How Bitcoin’s […]

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Ethereum’s Transition to Proof-of-Stake Yields Deflationary Results

Ethereum's Transition to Proof-of-Stake Yields Deflationary ResultsAfter the transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), Ethereum’s annual issuance rate has been reduced to negative 0.057%, according to statistics 158 days after The Merge. The metrics indicate that more ethereum tokens have been removed than issued, and if the chain were still under PoW consensus, 1,823,678 ether would have been minted to […]

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‘Ultra Sound’ Money — Simulation Shows Ethereum’s Inflation Rate Is Significantly Lower Using Proof-of-Stake

'Ultra Sound' Money — Simulation Shows Ethereum’s Inflation Rate Is Significantly Lower Using Proof-of-StakeIts been 105 days since Ethereum transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to a proof-of-stake (PoS) network and the number of Ethereum validators is set to surpass 500,000 in 2023. According to metrics, Ethereum’s issuance rate of new coins has dropped considerably and only 4,790.45 ether has been minted since The Merge took place on […]

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