What is Cookieless Tracking?

Businesses with an online presence rely on many different internet tracking tools to inform their marketing efforts. These trackers are always working when you browse through social media or go on websites and are actively working to figure out what products you’re interested in. Let’s learn more about cookieless tracking below   One of the most common online tracking components are cookies. Cookies are a small text file that a website places on users’ devices which recognizes and tracks that person’s online behavior. There are many different kinds of cookies, some are used by the same domain that you’re visiting while

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Cryptocurrency Insurance: How to Protect Your Crypto

One of the biggest criticisms you’ll hear about bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is how risky it is.  Still, if you got in early enough, chances are that you have made a pretty penny in the markets. Now that you have made some significant gains in the cryptocurrency markets, what will be your next move? It would be a huge loss if all of your earnings were lost or stolen. Let’s learn more about how cryptocurrency insurance may be just the think that you need. It may be hard to believe, but it is estimated that over 1,500 bitcoins will be

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Why the Rich and Successful Prioritize their Sleep

What do Serena Williams, Tim Cook, and Jeff Bezos all have in common?  They all understand the importance of getting 7 or more hours of sleep every night.  As Bezos says, “8 hours of sleep makes a big difference for me… that’s the needed amount to feel energized and excited.”  Scientists agree: a good night’s sleep improves the brain’s memory, bolsters creativity, and reduces the chance of clerical errors.  Conversely, insufficient sleep has devastating health consequences.  Poor sleep leads to 13% higher mortality risk, 1.2 million working days lost, and 2 times greater chances of being in a car accident.

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Real Estate: The Hedge Against Inflation

Inflation is currently at its highest rate since 1982. This is due mostly to the pandemic which caused global shutdowns and supply chain issues throughout the world. This supply chain blockage affected cat and home inventory, and construction materials to produce these products skyrocketed in price.    Building a home obviously requires lots of materials. Over the pandemic, the cost of these materials were raised exponentially due to the supply chain breakdowns. The price of lumber alone rose 114%! Labor costs were also increased due to the worker shortage that the country was experiencing. When stimulus checks were distributed, consumers

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The Power of Alternative Data

Alternative data describes individuals’ financial history that’s unincluded on credit reports. It includes bank transaction data, rental payments, and telcom and utility bill information, among other forms of financial history, and these forms of consumer-permissioned data can drastically boost credit stability.   Currently, 20% of American adults lack the alternative data they need to maintain a healthy credit score. Other numbers that reflect waning American credit include 63 million Americans being unbanked or underbanked, 92 million Americans having little-to-no credit history, 67 million adults having a “thin” credit file (less than four accounts), and 25 million being considered credit invisible.

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Why Asphalt Recycling?

What is asphalt? Considered a very sustainable and 100% renewable material on our planet, asphalt is a material obtained through the distillation of crude oil. Also called bitumen this material is usually composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. It is a useful construction resource due to its qualities, such as its overall strength and resistance to hot and cold temperatures. In order to understand the asphalt economy you have to know about asphalt’s life cycle. Asphalt can be reused after going through an extraction process that retrieves good asphalt that can be used again from irrelevant waste. The recovered asphalt

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A Look at the Causes of Why Inflation is So High

It is no secret that inflation rates are on the rise in the U.S these days. We are currently experiencing the steepest rise in inflation rates in the last 30 years! This could be caused by many triggers such as a surge in product demand, production cost increases, supply chain breakdowns, or even changes in the housing market. Inflation can be stressful, but this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this sharp of a jump, in fact this isn’t even the biggest jump the country has experienced.    In 1778 America experienced the highest inflation rate of all time. After

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The Future of School

Even after the height of the pandemic, many students and their families still prefer an online or hybrid school model to its many benefits. Students who are enrolled in online schools have overall better performance than students who were enrolled in traditional in-person schools. Teachers note that the skills that are taught in professionally designed online schools are the reason behind the improved performance, but what exactly are those skills?   One of the key elements of professionally designed online learning models is a student-led project based curriculum. This curriculum encourages student motivation and encouragement as well as increased knowledge

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How Pets Fit Into the Metaverse

The metaverse is the new technology craze in town.  Also called cyberspace, the metaverse is a broad spectrum of technology and human interaction.  This category includes virtual reality, augmented reality, holograms, video games, and NFTs.  Right now, the metaverse is worth billions of dollars and is expected to grow at a jaw-dropping rate.  The key growth driver is a rising focus on connecting digital and physical worlds through the internet.     One growing niche in the metaverse is pets.  When people integrate into the metaverse with their avatars, many want to bring their pets with them.  This desire has led

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The Role of Pharmacy Automation

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused great pressure on pharmacies to keep up with increasing demand.  70% of hospital pharmacists had to deal with more responsibilities during the pandemic while compounding pharmacies had to help provide hospitals with disinfectants, medications, and hand sanitizers.  86% of hospitals changed their guidelines for medication usage, which included COVID-19 treatment and expanding compassionate use or investigational drug studies.  This has led to an increase in prescription demand across the U.S. by about 15%.     Staffing at pharmacies has also been affected by the pandemic.  In 2020, 75% of pharmacists stated they had burnout while in

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