Monero Protocol Upgrade Thwarts all Current ASIC Mining Attempts

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TheMerkle Darknet Dream market Monero XMRAny finance-oriented industry will need to undergo constant development, changes, and face new competitors. In the cryptocurrency world, that situation is no different, although things are done a bit differently. Monero, one of the more popular altcoins, has undergone another major fork, which makes the project further ASIC-resistant and privacy-oriented.  The trade-off is how its network hashrate has dropped off significantly in the process. The Latest Monero Fork is Successful When it comes to upgrading the core protocol of any cryptocurrency, a hard fork is usually the best way to go. Bitcoin has seen its fair share of upgrades over

The post Monero Protocol Upgrade Thwarts all Current ASIC Mining Attempts appeared first on The Merkle Hash.

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